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Verify easily

Free email finder

Find professional email addresses in seconds and connect
with the people that matter for your business.

Trusted by 50,000+ businesses.
Thousands of startups and organizations use Wiza to improve the productivity of their sales team and create more opportunities.
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The solution

Create email lists from Linkedin

Append email addresses to your Linkedin prospects with 97% accuracy


Popular questions

How do I find an email address for free?
Using our Free Email Finder above, you can input anyones name, as well as their company name or domain, and we'll find their current work email address for free.
Can I find someone's email address using their name?
Yes! Using our free email finder, all you need to provide is a name, and company name or domain, and we'll find their email address.
Does this tool find work emails or personal emails?
This tool only finds work emails, if you're interested in finding personal emails, check out our enrichment.
Learn more
How is this tool free?
At Wiza, we help people get emails from Linkedin and beyond. We offer a suite of tools that help people find someone's email address on Linkedin. We offer this tool for free to help new people see the accuracy of our data, and hopefully check out some of our other helpful tools.
What is Wiza?
Wiza is a suite of tools to help you find peoples email addresses on Linkedin and beyond. We offer tools that find, verify, and enrich leads so that sales teams, marketers, and recruiters can have accurate data that they can rely on.
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Works with LinkedIn