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Powerful peopleenrichment API

Unlock the power of realtime Linkedin data with API calls.

Data mastery

Provide any Linkedin URL,
get back complete profile data
with contact information.
Provide anyLinkedin URLget back profile dataprofile data withcontact information.

Wiza API supports all types of Linkedin URL’s, including regular,
sales navigator, and recruiter. We’ll check the profile and get the most
up to date contact information.

No-URL needed

Don’t have the Linkedin URL?

Provide the Wiza API a name and company, and we’ll still be able to find verified contact information.

No-URL needed

Only use credits forverified contact information.

Entirely usage-based, only pay for email data that has been verified in realtime. Wiza data has the lowest bounce rate in the industry.

Email credits left
Phone credits left