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Wiza makessales outreach magical
Wiza makessales outreachmagical

The only sales prospecting & engagement platform that verifies email addresses in real-time and allows you to bulk export prospect lists from LinkedIn.

A preview of Wiza app.
Compatible with
Linkedin RecruiterLinkedinLinkedin Sales
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Trusted by 50,000+ businesses to scale outbound sales and drive new revenue
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Rating by G2 users
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on Chrome Store
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The problem

It's hard to findaccurate contactdata for prospects

Legacy B2B database systems have outdated info.
LinkedIn has the most up-to-date info,
but you can’t easily export lists from LinkedIn.
Sales reps wind up wasting tons of
time on manual data entry.
Mohamed K. avatar
Mohamed K.
Kristin D. avatar
Kristin D.
Title: Unknown
Sarah B. avatar
Sarah B.
Title: Unknown
John S. avatar
John S.
The solution

Export leads from LinkedIn searches with contact info

Convert any LinkedIn search or saved list into an email list — Whether you' re doing cold outreach or recruiting the best talent, Wiza is there to help you connect faster & easier.

Sales Navigator
Current job title
Information Technology
Seniority level
Albert Flores avatar
Albert Flores
Chief Technology Officer
Darrell Steward avatar
Darrell Steward
Chief Technology Officer
Kathryn Murphy avatar
Kathryn Murphy
Bank of America
Chief Technology Officer
Ralph Edwards avatar
Ralph Edwards
Chief Technology Officer
Jenny Wilson avatar
Jenny Wilson
Chief Technology Officer
Leslie Alexander avatar
Leslie Alexander
Chief Technology Officer
Magic Sales Leads Background
Wiza logo
CTO Leads
Magic touch

It’s as easy aswaving a magic wand
It’s as easy aswaving a magicwand

Now you can use Wiza’s chrome extension to find accurate contact data and bulk export prospects to CSV or directly to your CRM.

Magic Contact Banner
Stephen Hakami
Founder & CEO of Wiza
500+ connections
+1 (234) 567-8900
Email address
Phone & Personal emails
+1 (***) *** ****
Cost: 1 Email credit & 1 Phone credit
Finding contact data...
Hang tight! It’s coming in few seconds
Phone number(s)
+1 (647) 673-0784
+1 (310) 710-7623
Find the unfindable

Unveil the contact info you’ve been seeking

Simply search your prospect’s name in LinkedIn Sales Navigator and click ‘Find Email’ to reveal the hidden gem–their contact information.

Find work, personal, and generic emails, plus cell,
direct, and work phone numbers.

Enchanting magic banner
Elanor Pera
Product Designer at Apple
500+ connections
User avatar
Elanor Pera
Product Designer at Apple
Enchanting divider
Title Accuracy
Email Accuracy
Bounce Rates
Magical accuracy

Enchanting email verification right before your eyes
Enchantingemail verificationright beforeyour eyes

Unlike most B2B database vendors, we never rely on stale company, job title, or email data. Wiza conjures up accurate contact information in real-time.

Enchanting divider
Sync made simple

Data sync works like a charm

Easily integrate and sync your tools for seamless data flow. Say goodbye to manual input and embrace automated harmony between your systems.

Automated background
Start campaign...
1. Email
Day 1
Subject: Reaching out
Hey {first_name},
I noticed {company} is growing really fast in the {indust...
2. Follow-up Email
Day 4
Subject: Reaching out
Hey {first_name},
I noticed {company} is growing really fast in the {indust...
Your outreach, automated

Unlock the magic of automated sequences

Experience the enchantment of Wiza Connect, our built-in email sender. Automatically schedule emails, phone calls, and LinkedIn actions. Harness the power of automated sequences to propel your outreach to new heights.

Watch as automation works its magic in the background,
saving you countless hours.

Coming soon
Feature-rich suite

Mastering LinkedIn outreach with Wiza's power

Mastering export background
Export searches or lists
Export entire LinkedIn searches and lists in just 1 click
Mastering built mail componentMastering built mail componentMastering built mail component
Built-in email verification
Get 99%+ deliverability rates, and only pay for valid emails
Mastering supports background
Supports all versions of Linkedin
Powerful tools built for Linkedin,
Sales Navigator, and Recruiter
Mastering fully background
Fully enriched prospect data
30+ data points, like: revenue, funding, headcount, and much more
Email credits left
Phone credits left
Only pay for valid contact information
Your Wiza credits are only used on contact information
Phone number(s)
+1 (234) 567-8900
+1 (321) 456-7890
Phone number(s)
+1 (234) 567-8900
+1 (321) 456-7890
Find multiple contact points
Finds work emails, personal emails, direct dials,
and cell numbers
Wall of love

You're in good company

You don't have to trust our word

“Wiza allows us to export a search into a usable CSV which saves us a lot of time when setting up a new Sales email campaign.”
Brendan McDonald avatar
Brendan McDonald
Data Operations at PartnerStack
“Wiza helped our team scale 1:1 outreach for our ABM programs by providing an easy way to enrich contact data at target accounts in a few clicks.”
Amber Stone avatar
Amber Stone
Head of Enterprise ABM, UserTesting
“Wiza changed the prospecting game for my company. At this point Wiza has paid for itself 100x over, and there’s really nothing more that I could ask for.”
Drew White avatar
Drew White
Digital Sourcing Specialist, Aerotek
“Wiza allows us to export a search into a usable CSV which saves us a lot of time when setting up a new Sales email campaign.”
Brendan McDonald avatar
Brendan McDonald
Data Operations at PartnerStack
“Wiza helped our team scale 1:1 outreach for our ABM programs by providing an easy way to enrich contact data at target accounts in a few clicks.”
Amber Stone avatar
Amber Stone
Head of Enterprise ABM, UserTesting
“Wiza changed the prospecting game for my company. At this point Wiza has paid for itself 100x over, and there’s really nothing more that I could ask for.”
Drew White avatar
Drew White
Digital Sourcing Specialist, Aerotek
More Demos
Faster Prospecting
Less Bounces
Empower your sales

Join for free today

Supercharge your team with the best sales acceleration and LinkedIn automation tools.

20 free credits
No credit card required
Works with LinkedIn